Fill in all the required details. All required fields are marked with a *
In this section, we need to fill out the user GDPR information. This will tell us, and the system, if the user is happy to receive correspondence from us. To do this click the drop-down box under each form of correspondence.
There are 4 options to choose from:
1. Marketing Allowed - This means the user is happy to receive any correspondence from you.
2. Transactional Only (including mailouts) - This means only contact relating to what they have asked for. E.g. any paperwork regarding the house they are buying. Or emails regarding properties that fit their search criteria.
3. Bouncing - Is not one you would pick yourself but will be added by the system automatically if mailouts to the user fail to deliver with a bounce back warning.
4. Do Not Contact - these means do not use this form of contact.
You must add a GDPR preference for each method of contact you have for a user. This is because they may be happy to receive anything via email. However, only want to be phoned or texted regarding Transactional information.
Once the address and all other details are filled in, you can click the add client button. This will present you with one final screen to confirm all your details, it is on this screen where you can add a partner and also add search criteria for an individual or a group.
Now click on Continue.
Now click on Select the Property, here you will enter the details of the property to be valued.
Start by clicking on Use same address or entering the address if different to the corresponding address.
Add any valuation notes as needed, then move on to the Style and Age, Main Rooms and then finally the Amenities and Tags. Once all completed, click Save and Select this property.
Now click on Select the date and time of the appointment. This will take you to your diary screen.
Click on Select the Date and time for the appointment, this will now take you to the appointment screen. Once in this screen, click on select date and time to go to your diary.
Within the diary screen, find the time needed and click on the time you require.
Once that time has been selected you will be taken back to the appointment screen. Here you can now change the duration of the appointment and also add any notes for the appointment.
Once you have selected the duration and added any notes, you can (on the right hand side of the screen) change if necessary the negotiator who is attending the appointment and also select which client is attending, if multiple people have been added.
After all details have been added, you can click on Select these appointment details. This will take you back to the main Booking a Valuation page.
Check all of the details are correct, if you need to change any details you can click on the Edit option next to each section. Once you have confirmed the details will you be taken to the next screen where you can send confirmations to the client.
Click on Send your confirmations within the pink box
You will be able to see what correspondence you sending out. You can change what you send out, if you have more than one correspondence type.
Once everything is completed, you will click on Send Confirmations and all correspondence will be sent out and the valuation will be booked into your diary.