Contractor Details Screen

Contractor Details Screen

On the contractor details screen, you will see all the information held on the company, This could be all the contact details, which job they are dealing with at the moment and all financial transactions.

From the list of contractors, simply click on the name of the company you want more information on. This will take you into the details screen,

Once in the screen, you are able to see 4 tabs for this company:

In the overview section, it'll hold all of the members or staff for this company with all the contact details for the individuals. The main numbers can be found at the top of the screen. At the top of screen, you can also see the balance on the account, so if they are owed money or are in arrears for some reason, it'll show here. There is also the section, as with all details screen the appointments, Notes and Activities and Actions menu as well. Simply click on the option you need to open up this screen.

Accounts Tab - On the accounts tab you will see all transactions that have taken place for this company. Any job that this company needs to be paid for will show up in this section and also any historical payments made to them. In the all transaction section you will see every payment made to them with the date and what the job was regarding. So, if you need to generate a statement for the contractor for the year you can simply use the filters at the top fo the screen, and click generate statement. This will create a statements for the time frame you have selected.

Maintenance Jon Screen

In this tab you will see all the past, present and future jobs for this company. Any jobs added in the system that includes this company will show up here, it'll show you the status of the job, which property and if it had a date. This is great if you want to get updates on all jobs for this company at once, simply call the number at the top and see the list of jobs they are doing below. To see more details on the job, simply click on the job name to see the details screen.

Preference Tab

Here you can simply add a standard fee that you will receive for any job leads. So, if you have an agreement with a local company over referrals, then you can either add an amount to get from the job if you pass them the work. So, every job passed you get 5% of the job amount as you've given them the work.

Simply click add to see the screen to add the details. You can fill out the boxes from there.

When you add a new commission on the system, you can give it a name so everyone in the office know what's it's referring to so it's no surprise on the invoice sheet. Enter the amount that you will receive, either a percentage or hard cash. Once happy click add commission for it to be used for other companies as well, simply click on the save for reuse button.

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