Creating an SMS Template

Creating an SMS Template

In this guide, I'll show you how to create the SMS template in Dezrez Post.

First, you need access to Dezrez Post. Follow this guide to learn how to setup Dezrez Post - Click here

Once you are in Dezrez Post, scroll down to the required section. In this example, I will send an SMS message to my applicant to inform them their viewing has been booked.

I will scroll down to the confirmation of viewing section.

Once here click on the pack you'd like to add this SMS message to. If you click the 4 lines next to the wording you'll get an option to 'New Envelope'.

From here call it 'SMS Confirmation Viewing Applicant' or something similar you'll remember. You must also change the envelope target to Applicant for Dezrez to know who to send it to. Click Save to close the box down. 

Once you've done that, click on the 4 lines on the blue box this time and click 'New Template'.

This will then open up a blank Word document for you.

In the Word document, you'll need to write this differently from an email as SMS messages must be shorter than Emails. It must all be on one line or risk sending more than one token on an SMS. For example, if I write an SMS message that's 500 characters long I could be sending up to 3 text messages at a time.

You can use the example below to see how a simple text message would show:

Dear «APPL_groupname», we confirm your viewing at «PROP_address» at «EVEN_date» on «EVEN_time». Thank you, «AGEN_name».

This would simply give the time and date of the appointment and the address as well. You can also send directions to the property if you wish but again this will take up characters.

To add the merge fields I have used above please use the Dezrez Post plug-in on the right-hand side of the Word document.

From here you can add the appointment date and time via the 'Diary Events' section and any details about the applicant from the 'Applicant' Section.

Once you have created the SMS message that you are happy with. Simply click on the 'Save Template' option on the top of the plug-in and save as an SMS.

This will then ask you to give it a title and type the name of what you'd like to call it.

Select the Document type of this file to SMS and then click save at the bottom.

This has now created your SMS template. 
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