How to Archive and Unarchive Groups

How to Archive and Unarchive Groups

This guide will show you how to archive and then unarchive people within Dezrez.

See the video guide here

Individual Archive

To archive an individual, navigate to their contact card by either searching their name or select them from the appropriate list by clicking into 'Details'.

Once on their contact card, click into the 'Actions' menu and select 'Archive group'.

You will then be presented with the following window. Once you click 'Continue', this group will be removed from all your active searches.

You will be asked why you want to archive this group, this information may help later if this group is needed to be reactivated. Follow the instructions on the boxes provided and your group will then be archived.


You will not be able to archive a group that is in an active state. You will need to deal with this before you can archive a group.

To archive this group, you will need to remove any active searches or properties they have active. Go to their searches tab and delete anything active searches. Once you have deleted these or any active properties, you may archive this person. Go back to the actions menu and click 'Archive group' again.

Bulk Archive

To bulk archive many groups at once, create a list that you wish to archive. E.g. all applicants in a certain date range. You can use the filter options to select this list as you wish.

Once you have your filters applied, click 'Update'. This will now show your filtered list.
You can also save these filters by clicking 'Save current filters'. These will be added to your 'Saved filters' list and this can be deleted at any time.

Once you have your list you wish to archive, you have several options.
You can archive by page; this can be done by choosing 'Select page'. All of the contacts on that current page will be selected. You can change how many contacts are viewed per page by using the drop down on the right of the list. You can choose to select which contacts you wish to archive by ticking the box beside their name. Or you can use the 'Select all' option to archive the whole list.

We do not suggest using select all for large lists as this will take an exceptionally long time to archive. We suggest doing this in smaller increments or by page.

Once you select your list and click 'Bulk Archive', you will be presented with the below window. If you are happy to proceed click 'Yes'. 

Once the archive begins you will see a progress window generated (bottom right). You will get another update to tell you that the bulk archive is complete and how many of your selected group were archived. Some may not be archived for the reasons stated above. These will need to be looked at individually to remove any active roles should you wish to pursue archiving these people cards.

Continue this process until your selected groups are archived.

Unarchive a group

To unarchive an archived group, you will need to search for the person you wish to unarchive. in your results, make sure to select 'Include archived?' otherwise you will not find the group you are looking for. Once you see the group you wish to unarchive, click 'View details' to view the group page.

Go into your 'Actions' menu and select 'Unarchive group' from the options.

Read the information that appears on your screen and select 'Continue' if you would still like to unarchive this group.

Once your screen changes from grey back into colour, this group is now unarchived and available in Dezrez to be used.
Because this group was archived. All  marketing preferences will be set to 'Do not contact'. Be sure to change this to be able to send them information should you wish.

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