How to Raise and Manage a Maintenance Job

How to Raise and Manage a Maintenance Job

In this guide, I will show you how to raise a maintenance job all the way through to completion. It would also include going through the checklists and raising certain documents along the way.

Firstly navigate to the maintenance job list on the left-hand navigational panel. This will take you to a list of all of the jobs that are currently outstanding for your account. On the top right hand side you'll be able to see it raise 'Add an Item' button, click this to open up a window to raise a job.

The first screen will allow you to pick a trade, you can select multiple trades for this is a job include different trades. Once you've selected the trade that you require click next which will take you to a screen where you can add more information about the job.

First search for the property that you wish to raise a job for, you can type in the address of the property and then selected from the list.

In this section you're able to add a title and description to the job. Add as much notes into this section as you possibly can as this appears on the main screen. This could be a description of the problem and any communications from the tenant or Landlord.

You are also able to select who reported it, be at the landlord, tenant or agent that has spotted or wants to raise a maintenance job. You can also input who is liable to pay for this work, again it could be the Landlord, the tenant oil you the agent. You can also assign to a negotiator in the office who deals with maintenance jobs and also set a priority for this work. If it's something urgent like a boiler has broken then this could be put down as an emergency or perhaps it's a light bulb that needs to be changed which could be a low priority.

Once you click next you're able to add pictures for the job. If you have been sent images by the tenant or the landlord you can upload them from this section. Simply click the plus icon inside the window select the images from your computer and press upload they will automatically be uploaded to the job. You can then click raise a job for it to be recorded in the system for you.

Once the job has been created it will have its own section on PM. This will include all of the details and you'll be able to see the progress of the job as it goes forward. As this is a newly recorded job it will have raised in zero days with a status of newly reported. Please be aware that this status box is a manual process so you must continue to change the status of this job as it progresses. If you were to leave this job for seven days and do nothing with it it would remain in newly reported even though it's a week old.

There is a check list on the right-hand side of the screen that will show you what stage the job is at. A job will go through the following stages:

Landlord Approval  - You can mark on the system if the landlord has approved the job an any notes to go with it.
Assign a Contractor - You can use your database and assign a contractor the job from here by simply searching for a company.
Job Sheet - Once assigned you can click and generate a job sheet to send to the contractor from here. You can use the Rezi post section to manage the template.
Schedule Work - From here you can add a date into the system when the job will take place.
Invoices - From here you can input the details of the contractors invoice with your fees ready to send to the landlord.

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