Money Due in - Receiving Rent

Money Due in - Receiving Rent

In this guide we will go through how to receive rent from a tenant. 

The best way to do this is by the Money Due In section on the navigational panel on the left-hand side of the screen on PM.

Once you have click this you can see a list of all the money that is due in from today's date or any date in the past. You can use the filter at the top of the screen to change the dates you wish to see. This could be a chosen from and to date or simply click on the predefined items on the right.

Once you have the desired list and you can see all the money you are expecting in, it should show the amount that is expected to be paid by the tenant in the list. If the amount you've received from the tenant is different you can change the amount from the box on the right-hand side of the column. You can also change the date received if it's different from when the system thinks it should have been received.

To mark the rent as being paid, you must first check with your bank account that the money has been received in your account. Once you are happy that it is please click the button 'Receive' to add it to the list of payments you have been given. You can add as many payments in the Items Received column ready to process at once.

Once you are happy with the money you have received in your bank is now marked in the system as being received you can click on the button called 'Process List' at the bottom of the screen to mark all the payments in that list paid.

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