This guide sheet will take you through the process of Plotting Street view and
recording Points of Interest within the Dezrez system.

Please see our video guide
Click on the Location Tab and this allows the user to plot the location or the area
of the property using the red marker.
To move the marker, click and drag the icon to either the specific property or to a
point that you would like. You can set the street view from this screen.
Click and drag the street view ‘person’ onto the map and then let go when you are
near to where you have to be.
This will bring up the street view.
Once you have moved the map to show the area or property you need, you can
click on the Save Street view icon, this will set the street view.
There is an option here to Set as Property Image. This option can be used to set the
image at the top of the property page if you are awaiting photographs of the
property and to set as default when searching for properties.
Marking Points of Interest
POI’s in the system can be assigned by individual categories. The categories are
School/College/University, Bus Stop, Train/Tube station, Park, Pub, Car Park, Post
Office, Amenity, Hospital/Doctor, Dentist, Police Station and Homeopath.
The way
to add these to the system is to click and drag the point of interest marker onto the
map and drop it onto a POI.
Once you have dropped the marker you will be prompted to give the POI a name
and assign it to a category.
Once you have given it a name and assigned a category you will click on save.
will add to the list within Dezrez. As you add the POI’s into the system, they will be added to an internal list for all
your properties. Meaning if you instruct another property close by, the POI’s will
already be attached on the location tab.
Once the marker is added is will be listed in the Nearest section at the bottom of
the screen under the map.
This will show you the POI and how far it is away (as the crow flies) in miles. The
more you zoom out from the map, the more POI’s will be displayed and the
distances altered accordingly. To filer which categories appear, click on the View
Others tab and drop down arrow and click on each one to add or remove from the