Settings and Preferences

Settings and Preferences

This article will guide you through the Settings and Preferences area on Rezi.

See our video for 'Settings & Preferences' here

To access your admin centre, please click on your agency’s name at the top of the page.

Please note that if you have 'Access Denied' please contact your account owner for access.

This will allow you to control areas on your system such as, users, lists and fees:


In the first tab, you'll see access to the agency/branch settings. In this section you'll be able to change the settings within the agency to what you want. You can restrict access to the reporting section, stop people exporting data or simply change the name of the agency.


If you select users, it will load a list of your users, what their roles are, correspondence emails, log in emails, telephone numbers, which is their home branch, date the user was created and also the status of that user.

You can filter the information by selecting “Filters” and then choose how you would like to filter the information, i.e. Branch, status, created before or created after.

Once the required filters have been applied, it will highlight how the information is filtered, in green.

You are able to manage user responsibilities in this section. Select the user and a list of responsibilities currently given to that user will appear. If you want to change these, select "Edit" and a list of responsibilities will appear. 

Select which responsibilities you wish for the user to have, then select "Submit" to save the changes.

You can also edit users, reset passwords or change a user’s status by selecting the burger menu on the right hand side on the Users page.

It will give you a drop down menu. Simply select which action you require for the user.

If you select “Reset Password”, the following will appear, where you can change the password for that user.

Ensure you select “Save” to save any changes required.

If you wish to change any of the user’s details, you can do this by selecting “Edit User” and the following options will appear:

Please ensure that you select “Save” to save any changes required.

If you select “Deactivate” it will deactivate the user in the system.


If you select “Lists” the following options will appear. This is where you can amend and customise your lists for Source and your grades.

If you want to make any amendments, please select the burger menu and then select “Edit”.


This will display your list of origins/sources, where you can amend, delete and re-order. If you want to delete, simply select the rubbish bin symbol and this will delete the origin/source from the list. If it's has a padlock on there, it means it's a system required field and you'll just have to rename it.

If you want to edit, select the pencil symbol and make the required amendments. You can also select which branch you would like the origin/source to be available. 

If you would like to make changes to your grades, you can do this the same way, by selecting the pencil and making the amendments as required. You can also remove any unwanted grades by clicking on the rubbish bin symbol. 

You can also add any additional required grades by entering the details into the "Add another enum value" section and clicking on the plus button.


This is where you are able to manage your fees within the Rezi system. When you select "Fees" a list of fees already in your system will appear.

If you wish to filter the fees, you can do this by selecting "Filter" and then selecting how you wish to filter the results to display the fees you require.

You can amend the fees by selecting the burger menu and selecting "Edit fee". You can also deactivate a fee if no longer required or expired in the system.

If you want to add a new fee, select "Add new fee".

The following will appear, complete the information and then select "Save" to save the new fee into the system.


In this section you'll be able to see all areas that your system has saved. This refers to areas used in the matching section of a person. You can click add area and draw on the map a particular area you cover or simply change a current area you are using. In this example I'm editing SA1 as a post code, as I need the area to cover more properties.

Once you are happy with the area you've created/edited then you can press save on the top right hand side of the screen.


This is the area where you can see all of you document storage capabilities. So for instance you can see how much space you have left and also the ability to mass delete some documents that might not be relevant anymore.

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