

Signable is an enhanced feature of the Rezi post software, that assists estate agents in saving both time and money, getting documents signed and returned quicker and easier than ever before.  

Signable pack structure 

A Signable pack is no different from a normal pack in terms of structure in the Rezi Post software. It must consist of a "Correspondence" and a "Document".  

One of the differences to note is that Signable documents are represented by a blue "S" symbol.




Including Signable documents 


If you want to edit an already existing pack to include a Signable document there is a rule that must be taken into consideration. Signable documents must be in their own Correspondence, without any other files.   

Take the below pack into consideration, both of the correspondences are set to go to the "Owner/Vendor or Landlord Roles". However, because we are using a Signable document, for it to work correctly we must have it in its own correspondence.  


Creating a Signable Document 

To create a Signable document there are a few steps we need to take.  

Start by creating a standard Word document as you would for any Rezi letter.

As you can see in this letter, even when producing a "Signable" document it is OK to include other merge fields.  

Now to tell Rezi and Rezi Post that this is a "Signable" document, we need to add one or more of the following "Signable" merge fields. Using the Rezi post plugin, click the "Vendor" field options. At the bottom of the vendor pop-up window, there will be 3 blue options.

Adjust any settings you would like from the options provided. Pay special attention to the size of fields. These represent how big the signature box will appear when generated. (Size guide attached below)
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The merge field will then appear in your document, please be aware you can have more than one merge field to collect more than one Signature. 

One final and important step is to save the document as a word doc NOT as an email. Once you have done this you can send out your contract via Rezi and it will be sent as a Signable Document.