In this guide, I'll show you how to use the tenancy screen in Rezi PM. This page will cover everything to do with the tenancy itself. From the agreement down to the renewal of the contract all the tenants moved on.
You can first go into a tendency by clicking the navigational bar in the left-hand side of the screen and clicking tenancies.
This will present you a list of tenancies on your account, it'll start with the oldest to newest and you can use the column options to arrange the order as you wish.
If you click on a tenancy it will take you into the tenancy page. On this page you'll be able to see all of the details of the tenancy including the agreement details, next intentions of the tenant and landlord. You're also able to see the accounts and rental fee schedule however these are covered in more detail on the account section guides.
At the very top of the screen you will see your appointments, notes and activities and also a document section. If you click on any of these options it will display the required feature. So to add a note on the system you simply click on Notes type add in your note and press save. You can also view all of the documents for this tenancy under the document section, here you can also upload your documents if they need to go on the tenancy at this point.
First tab we see is the agreement, this is a carbon copy of what is on Rezi. Any changes made here will reflect it ready and vice versa, the changes are instant as well. From here you're able to change any details from the agreement simply by clicking on the pencil icon to edit the section that needs to change. On the right hand side of the screen you're able to generate a tenancy agreement or by clicking the little arrow on the right hand side you're able to upload an agreement that hasn't been generated by Rezi.

In the second sub tab the cross you're able to see the tenant and the landlords next intentions. So as this tenancy is coming to an end you're able to contact both parties and ask them what they wish to do next. Whether they'd like to re-let the property, to sell the property or to go with someone else. The same thing goes for the tenant if they wish to continue living at this property, move onto a different property or to buy a property. Depending on the situation on the right hand side the screen you're able to see the options to either end the tenancy at the allotted time or to renew the contract again at an agreed time.
When the tenancy is ended or ending you're able to give the tenant an exit strategy this will include handing the keys back, notifying the utilities and also the ability to record when they have given notice.
If the contract is renewing then you are able to generate a new agreement or use the existing one that you have for them. Depending on the situation you will have both options for this.
Tenants Section
On the tenants tab you're able to see all of the details for every tenant on this tenancy. There may be a number of tenants on the details will be displayed below. It will also tell you if they are missing certain items like ID or tenant referencing. If you need to add or change any of these options you're able to click on the red or green option you have on for the tenant and simply upload the documents that you wish to upload. You can also use the guarantor section to view any guarantor details that you wish to see.
Landlord Section
This tab you'll see all the details stored for the Landlord. You're able to see their ID is uploaded or not and also see their telephone numbers and contact details from you. Again, if you click on the red or green icon you're able to upload or change the ID for this particular Landlord. If there is more than one Landlord they will be listed here.