Tenant details screen

Tenant details screen

In this guide, I will show you how to manage your tenant details screen. You can view all the details for this tenant on this particular screen.

At the very top of the screen you should be able to see appointments, notes, documents and an action is menu for this particular tenant. In the section you're able to click on the particular feature and either add a document all had a note to the tenant.

Below  the notes and documents section you will find details for this tenant. This can include what the tenant is missing like ID or right to rent and you can also see the balance on their account as well. You can also see their contact details which can be clicked to send a quick text or email.

Underneath that we have a section allowing you to see if they are missing an ID, right to rent on the status of the tenant referencing. To change any of these options simply click on the icon, whether it be red or green and simply upload a document all the information you need to attach.

Underneath that you will find your customer relationship, this will show you any other properties this tenant is involved in. Perhaps he is currently in rented but he's going to move into a different property in the future. If this is recorded on the system then the relationship will be linked in this particular section.

We do have the account side of things on here, allowing you to see all transactions has taken place for this particular tenant. All the rent has been paid, deposits and any other monies can be found here.

In this particular section you can generate statements for the tenant if they've asked for it simply click on the generate statement icon which would generate one for this particular tenant. You can also download all of the transactions into a spreadsheet for this tenant if this is requested or perhaps you need to keep a record of it. You can also mark payments as uncleared, mark a reversal or an amendment to any payments made by this tenant. You can do this by clicking on the three lines next to the payment and selecting the option that you require. A window will pop up allowing you to enter the new amount or the correct amount which will be recorded on this tenancies payment records.

There is also a section for deposit were you able to see the deposit the tenant has given to the allotted third-party holder. You are able to see the deposit that's been given or whether there is one outstanding and also whether it's been protected with a particular deposit protection scheme. You're also able to release deposit from here if the tenancy has ended and you can also add deductions from the deduction section. So if there's professional cleaning that needs to take place you can deduct that amount at the bottom of it.

There is no current link between PM and deposit schemes so this is a record keeping facility. 

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