Click on the photo tab to add images for your property. Click on the blue box or drag and drop images into the Drop files here to upload area.
Navigate to your photographs and select all the photographs that you want to upload and then click on Open. This will upload all of the images to Rezi.
Here you can drag and drop images to re-arrange them. Click in the top right-hand corner of each image to delete it. You also have a padlock in the corner of every image. This padlock will allow you to keep the picture in Rezi however, when the padlock is set to private, it will not be uploaded to any portal. To set an image as private, click on the padlock. All images are set to public when uploaded unless you select the padlock.
The order in which they appear is the order that they will appear in Rightmove. There is also a number in the bottom right corner to show you the sequence.