Tenancy Accounts Guide

Tenancy Accounts Guide

In this guide we'll go through how to use the accounts section on a tenancy. From this screen you'll be able to see all the payments for this tenancy specifically and who made them and also money received.

To see how to get to the tenancy page please see our guide here

When on the tenancy you will see a tab for accounts, as seen in the image below.

From this page you can see All Transactions, Payments and Receipts. This will allow you to see all the payments for this tenancy specifically.

On this page you can also action reversals and adjustments, this can be done by clicking on the 3 lines on the right of the payment.

In the next couple fo tabs you can also see the items that are payable, receivable and the deposits for this tenancy on the same tab.

From here you can see the rent that may be overdue or due today and also any payments that need to be paid to the landlord. You can action this from here as opposed to going to the money due in and out. You can also see the rent hat have been paid from here, which appear in a green status of being paid.

Creating a Statement

From the All Transaction tab you can generate a statement for this tenancy. So you can use the filters at the top of the screen to perhaps go back 12 months to bring up all payments made to this landlord and then create an email or paper statement for the landlord.

Simply produce the list that you want by using the filters and click generate statement.

Once clicked you will see the option to preview the statement before sending or printing it.

Once you are happy with the statement you can press send.

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